Everything You Need to Know About It

There was a time when western medicine ruled the roost when it came to human health. However, today's millennial generation is increasingly leaning towards natural ingredients to cure health problems. This is because natural ingredients are not only safe, but also help contribute to our overall well-being. 

Among natural ingredients, essential oils are very commonly used. Different essential oils have different purposes. However, there are some oils that have multiple uses and are widely used. Tea tree oil is one such ingredient that can be found in most medicine cabinets, due to its versatility. 

Let us learn more about tea tree oil and its uses.

What is tea tree oil? 

Tea tree oil is derived from distilling the oil extracted from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia. This plant is native to the Australian subcontinent. Now grown all over the world, tea tree oil is a miraculous ingredient known for its antiseptic, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. As such, its varied functions have made it a must-have in any home. 

What are some uses of tea tree oil? 

Tea tree oil is nature's most powerful multipurpose ingredient. There are several tea tree oil uses. Some of them are mentioned below-

  1. Tea tree oil benefits for the face- 

Tea tree oil is most commonly used for skin problems such as acne. Its potent antibacterial properties make it ideal for spot treatment. Just applying some tea tree oil directly to an emerging pimple can help kill the problem-causing bacteria, subside the pimple, and reduce the redness. People with oily skin can also benefit from using a face wash enriched with tea tree oil to reduce acne.

  1. Tea tree oil for dandruff and flaky scalp-

The antifungal properties of tea tree oil make it a potent ingredient in anti-dandruff shampoos. It can help clear oil build-up, chemical residue, and also unblock pores for good scalp health. It also helps control any yeast infection that may occur on the scalp, which is a major contributor to dandruff. A shampoo with 5% of tea tree oil will help combat dandruff-related issues such as the itchy and scaly scalp. 

  1. Tea tree oil uses for skin- 

Tea tree oil is an amazing choice for an all-natural antibacterial in the first aid box.  Any cuts or scraps can be treated with it to reduce the chances of a bacterial infection. A drop of tea tree oil mixed with a wound cream helps promote healing and reduces the chances of scarring. 

  1. Tea tree oil as a disinfectant-

With the pandemic, people are looking for natural ways to clean frequently touched surfaces. If you are not too keen on using disinfectants laden with chemicals, tea tree oil can be your saviour. Just dilute a teaspoon of tea tree oil in a cup of warm water. Fill it in a spray bottle and use it when necessary. You can also put a teaspoon or two of it in your laundry for disinfecting clothes. 

What are some benefits of tea tree oil? 

Tea tree oil is a safe alternative to many chemical-laden products. Additionally it is:

  • Safe for children, without side effects

  • It is antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory

  • It is easy to use and budget-friendly

  • It contains no harmful parabens and sulphates

  • More effective than commonly used chemical alternatives

What are some things to remember while using tea tree oil? 

Though tea tree oil is safe and natural, there are a few things you need to remember before using this incredible essential in your daily life- 

  • Never ingest tea tree oil, even in diluted form. This is only for topical treatment.

  • Sensitive skin individuals may need to mix it with a carrier oil before applying it on the skin as a direct application can lead to skin irritation.

  • Tea tree oil should always be stored in a glass bottle and kept in a cool place, away from direct sunlight.

  • Avoid using tea tree oil during pregnancy or lactation. 

How to choose good quality tea tree oil? 

The market is bombarded with many brands of tea tree oils. But not all are pure and effective. While buying tea tree oil, look for a brand that sells tea tree oil in a dark glass bottle. Also, do check its ingredients list before buying. A good quality tea tree oil should contain no chemicals or preservatives and should have 10%-40% of terpenin, its most active ingredient. 


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