How to Keep your Hands Moisturized All Day?

Hands tend to get dry very easily, especially when it's winter or when you have to wash your hands too much. Hands are constantly exposed to brutal outdoors, and they are also used frequently among all the body organs. Some of us may keep applying lotion after washing hands, but even that doesn’t seem enough. Here are some small tips that can help you keep your hands moisturised all day.

Use natural soap or a gentle handwash to clean your hands. Some soaps and handwash can contain a lot of harsh chemicals and antiseptics that suck out all the oils and hydration from your skin. While these products may have an effective cleaning action, they easily dry out your skin if applied too much.

Therefore, go for milder and gentler products that have moisturising properties along with cleaning action. Try to use lukewarm water to wash rather than cold water. Warm water is much gentler on your skin than cold water. Keep a personal towel to wipe out your hands dry after washing up. Hands should be thoroughly dried to avoid germs and bacteria to build up.

Don’t use hand sanitisers too frequently to avoid washing hands. Sanitisers may seem to be an easy substitute for washing hands with soap, but they don’t have the same action. Always use soap to wash hands, especially before and after eating, and using the bathroom.

Many people may go for lotions to moisturise, but they may not be very effective. They are also loaded with extra smell and additives that can cause more irritation to your skin. Therefore, it is better to go for oils odourless lotions that have better moisturising action. You may use simple coconut oil that works amazingly as a moisturiser and also has antibacterial and antioxidant properties. You may also use olive oil, almond oil, grapeseed or jojoba that can also have excellent moisturising action. Oil gets deeply absorbed into the layers of the skin and keeps your hands soft and supple for a longer time.

Some types of oils can be too greasy to apply in the middle of the day when most people have things to do. Hence, it is a great idea to oil your hands before going to bed. Apply the few oil drops all over your hands right before going to bed and then, cover them up with cotton gloves. The oil will have ample time to work this way. The gloves can be great to keep your hands protected and lock the moisture inside.

You may also make a scrub with brown sugar and almond oil for your hands. This will remove all the dirt and bacteria that may have collected on your hands throughout the entire day. Scrubbing also exfoliates your skin and opens up the pores. Applying oil after exfoliation can have a much better impact on moisturising your skin.

To moisturise your hands through the day, you may use skin balms and ointments, which will keep your skin protected from outside elements. 


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