Guide of Shea Butter for Skin Care and which Shea Butter is Best?

Skincare products that contain harsh chemicals may worsen your skin condition. If you are looking for a natural product for your skin care, shea butter is an excellent choice. If you want to make your dry skin soft and glowing, you need this supercharged ingredient in your cosmetic box. If you are unsure of what shea butter is, how it works, and which shea butter is best, here is a guide on all that you want to know. Shea butter - What is it? Shea butter is a botanical product. It is the lipid that is extracted from the nuts of the shea tree. It is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and five essential fatty acids. It is available in refined and unrefined form. Unrefined or raw shea butte r does not contain any preservatives or artificial coloring, or chemicals. This is the pure form of shea butter and has a strong odour. Refined shea butter is white and odorless. Raw shea butter is more beneficial than refined one. Benefits of shea butter It is a good moisturizer. I...